Now,I want to share something with you all.But there are one words I and you did'nt know the meaning of it.Example:
- Fibreglass - plastic containing glass fibres : Gelas gentian
- Biannual - Happening twice a year : dwitahunan
- Condense - Change from gas or vapour to liquid : Peluwap
- Cult - System of religious worship : Pemujaan
- Moor - Member of a Muslim people of north-west Africa : Moor.
- Shrimp - Small edible shelfish,pink when boiled : Geragau
- Coach - railway carriage : Gerabak
- Eclipse - Blocking of light from one heavenly body by another : Gerhana
- Guillotine - machine used to crush or grid : Gilotin
- Hardware - Tools and household implements sold by a shop : Perkakasan
- Blended - To become fused : Sebati
- Tranquil - Calm and undisturbed : Sejahtera
- Abstemious - not selfidulgent : Sederhana
- Mixture - substance formed by the cemical fusion of two or more elements : Sebatian
- Hiccup - Cough like stopping of breath : Sedu
- Conspire - Plan secretly ang usu , unlawfully against others.: Bersekongkol.
- Squatter - person who takes unauthorized possession of unnoccupied premises : Setinggan
- Wade - walk through water : Meranduk
- Blubber - weep noisily : Meraung
- Creep - move with the body close to the ground : Merayap
- Defend - protect ecp by warding of an attack : Tangkis
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